Thursday, May 23, 2024

Gloria ~ May 23




Confidence somewhat restored I next wanted to test my newfound directional skills.


On foot I have no sense of direction…in fact as a child I got lost across the street from my home in Queens because I was standing catty cornered from the house and got confused. 


But it seemed that in a car I could actually find my way with a map,

which was how I found the farm. 


Searching the area I saw an article about a Cowboy Tea Room that looked like a fun place to drive for a visit, and decided to do a bit of shopping. As promised it was cowboy themed with lots of denim and I tried on a long denim sort of cowgirl skirt and shirt and looked…totally ridiculous. Put my sleek NYC all white summer (winter is all black) outfit back on, had tea and a cookie and departed.


It was time to leave the farm…and I decided to take on one more adventure. I would map my way from Livingston Manor 60 miles away…an hour and half east…crossing the Hudson to Reinbeck. 


Where my parents lived.


When I reached their apartment my father could not understand how I got there. 


I told him:


Outside, Come


Puzzled…he came out with me.


I pointed to the car.


My car…drive.


 I think for once…away from my mother…I must have made up a sign language gesture that meant:  “drive.” 


He finally caught on and was truly delighted.


OOOHHHH!! You have license!


Yes!! Have license!!.


Showed him the permit with the stamp and that was hard to explain but he understood enough to know that yes, somehow I did get  license. 


Took them both for a ride to town and back. Putting them in the back with seatbelts.  First time I had been really nervous driving  but all went well. 


My father was happy!  



Edit: One more on this theme that I cannot complete today - having a computer issue. Will wrap this marathon up tomorrow and move on!!!



1 comment:

  1. I especially enjoyed the depiction of the communication with the father, the improvised sign language.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...