Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Lila ~ May 27


At the beginning of freshman year, we had an event on campus.  The Date Doctor, on whom the movie is based came to talk to us about dating and relationships.  He was a plump, middle-aged white man, who looked nothing like Will Smith.  He’d also been divorced, but was now happily re-married. 

He started off by asking us a series of questions.  

“Think of a body of water.  What is your favorite body of water?” 

Some people said a river, others a creek, some a babbling brook. 

My answer was, “a glacier." 

"The body of water that you chose represents your sex life,” he said. 

Perhaps something inside of me was frigid and frozen, closed off to love.  

The next question that he asked was “Who gets more hurt in a relationship?”

“The man!” 

“The woman!”

“It’s both, they both get equally hurt!”

“What are you, a democrat?”

“The answer is, the one who is more invested.” 

I still walked away from that seminar confused, not knowing how this would play out in my life.  



  1. Love this, and the way it flowed. "What are you, a democrat?" had me laughing. There was a raw honesty, but also humor, a bit of the absurd. Body of water, invested - really is love an investment? How an expert can use language that can derail as much as instill concepts.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...