Thursday, May 23, 2024

Lila ~ May 23


I need to write from my heart today.


My marriage is stressful and strained.


We first met in 2016, in church. 


Ivan is Ukrainian. He was born in Ukraine in 1981, the 11th of 12 children. He grew up underneath the iron curtain. His family moved here in 2001, as the political climate in Ukraine was so unstable. They faced the threat that communism would return. So they came to America and settled in the Midwest. 


We each glommed into each other during a difficult time of life. I had a strong intense connection, but wasn't sure whether we were compatible or not. So I jumped in hard, jumped in fast, trauma bonding. 


In 2017, I left, moved back home for a while to gather myself. But life alone without him felt bleak. 


I didn't think that I could handle being abandoned again. 


For a year, we moved away, to be near his family.  But I missed being at home in New York, so we moved back here. But I feel like I've pulled him more away from his world, and more into mine. 



  1. So resonate with this, so much care and love and two so very different worlds. NYC being unique in it's is like not any other place. This is indeed clearly written from a loving and honest heart.

  2. I love the clarity in being so honest willing to take a deep dive…the narrator risking and brave to face difficult feelings, and with it comes a compassion.

  3. This writing has a freshness to it, a rawness, a sadness.

    1. And I am intrigued by the last line, about the narrator's fear that she has drawn him perhaps overly into her world.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...