Sunday, May 19, 2024

Gary ~ May 19


I Hope I Didn't Piss Her Off Too Much


Oh, shit, it's 4 o'clock in the morning here at the Chautauqua in Boulder CO and I just woke up Janet, Eli's girlfriend, who stormed up to me while I was sitting in a nice stuffed chair down in the open area of the Missions House where some of us are staying, and where we hold our general get-togethers, like tonight, for instance when we have our talent show, or what they have billed as the Sharing Party, where hopefully some people will jump up and grab the mic and do some karaoke, or read poems, or do whatever they want to for the entertainment and delight of all those who are present.


"This won't do!," Janet said emphatically, looking very upset and disgusted with me who was sitting there, with my headphones on, completely oblivious to the fact that I was singing along with Barry Gibb and Barbra Streisand as they were doing their really great version of Guilty, in a live performance somewhere in 1986.  It was on YouTube.


At first I was a little shocked. I didn't know where the sound that woke Janet up, and no doubt Eli too, was coming from. Maybe my computer was somehow leaking sound. I didn't get it.


"What are you hearing?" I asked her, feeling muddled and confused.


"Your VOICE!" She scowled, coming close to my face to make sure I really got the message.


She was clearly really pissed and was not being passive-agressive about it even in the least.


"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, "I'll go up to my room," but clearly the damage was done.


I went up to my room, which is where I am now, mapping out my strategy for later, when I encounter Eli and Janet at the brunch that's being served downstairs at 11:00.  I hope she's in a better mood, perhaps after getting some food in her stomach. I can't imagine Eli being very pissed, because he's such a mellow guy, with his long gray hair and a ponytail and scraggly gray-specked beard and his very laid back "Peace and Love" vibe and manner.


Eli plays guitar, and if I had to guess I would say that Eli has smoked a ton of pot in his day and who knows, maybe still does.  We in POK do not judge, nor condemn, anyone for smoking pot.  In fact, I don't think we give a shit one way or the other.


But what about Janet? She's a doctor and she's very serious and I don't think she smokes pot. What to do about her when I encounter her at the catered brunch that's being served downstairs at 11:00, less than 6 short hours away?


I'm going to try some Ho'oponopono on her and I hope it works. Ho'oponopono is the Hawaiian healing mantra that goes like this: I'm sorry. Forgive me. I love you. Thank you.


That's it. Four simple phrases that are supposed to have great healing power.  I hope they heal Janet, because something tells me she is in need of some healing right now.


I could probably use a little healing myself, because I was really thrown off by Janet's early morning assault.


All I was doing was trying to learn the words of the song that Julie and I will be performing at tonight's talent show or Sharing Party, if that's what they insist on calling it.


Julie is going to be Barbra Streisand and I am going to be Barry Gibb. I hope we can pull it off.


In the meantime I am going to do a little Ho'oponopono on myself and send some healing energy to my throat, and Julie's throat as well so we can really knock em dead tonight when we sing Guilty in a LIVE performance of our own.


I'm sorry. Forgive me. I love you. Thank you.


I can't speak for Julie, but my throat feels better already.



  1. I love the sweetness in you and your rendition of the Ho'oponopono prayer! There's a lovely power to repetition of phrases and words in the piece, that resembles how we think when we stress about something, but there is a progression, a ripple affect that is lovely.

  2. A great description of how hurtful these sudden confrontations and angers can be.

  3. Tirza and Marta said it best for sure! Love the prayer, so complete and finite. Blessings on your throat and look forward to hearing about the performance!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...