Sunday, May 19, 2024

Christina ~ May 19


I’m sick, it seems to be covid but so far two home tests have been negative. I have a fever, I’m coughing, I’m wheezing a bit, and I am very tired. And my long-planned week in Cape Cod with a friend, which was supposed to start today, isn’t going to happen. She’s still going, but obviously I am not. Instead I’m going to drag myself to a CVS clinic in town later today for a PCR test and maybe for a prescription for Paxlovid, something I took back in August when I last had covid that seemed a miracle drug for I started feeling better within an hour of taking the first dose. But maybe I would have felt better without it, I can’t really know. I’m sick and I don’t have the energy to dredge up yet another piece that has some sort of emotion, some sort of point, some sort of structure, maybe a nice rhythm. I’ve been doing this monthly writing since Marta started it last May, so it’s been five months of writing these daily pieces, plus the 18 days of this month, which means I’ve written about 170 pieces in the last year. Clearly, they can’t all take off. I’m just happy when a few of them do. Take off, that is.


  1. This writing does not need to be apologized for! Skilled writing that, for me, shows once again that if the writing is real it connects. Please feel better soon.

  2. Am in accord with Marta, skilled writing when truly real is so connecting. Doesn't matter the subject or length or degree of profundity. It's always a good read! Hopefully the medication will do it's job as well!!

  3. kudos for writing! feel better!

  4. You can't always hit a home run, that's for sure. Not that this is a strikeout by any means. In fact, it is far from being that since it a great account of a writer not feeling up to speed and yet still managing to knock out a piece under conditions that would tend to say, "Forget the writing and just go back to bed."

  5. The author shares her moment with us. What can be more intimate than that!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...