Thursday, May 9, 2024

Marta ~ May 9


So disciplined.

I thought it was a good thing

Have tried

setting goals

sitting down

getting it done

Don't want to 

Too gorgeous a morning

though I felt this way yesterday 


I want to write a poem

the title of a wonderful slim paperback

that came yesterday

about William Carlos Williams

Discipline always discussed

as a good thing

maybe not always

or maybe there is a meaning

to discipline that I don't know yet

How about living as I write

without plan

Last night i was crying


it's been happening lately

the last few weeks

new for me

so sad

feeling abandoned by the man

I was so excited by

25 years ago

This morning it is okay

I do the next thing

and there is no tragedy or comedy.

I threw out

no, it wasn't "threw out"

put away the "gift" you sent.

So ugly.

You meant well

but your well meaning

never makes it for me.

It felt good to get it out of sight.

One day, I may use it.



  1. Inside the poet's mind, wistful, gorgeous morning to crying and sad, discipline to do the next thing, lost relationship, putting aside the gift. Encompassing it ALL. The human condition expressed so beautifully.

  2. Disciple vs. writing without plan. Does William Carlos Williams shed any light on the matter? I can't tell. I love the ambiguity and the ambivalence that permeates this piece.

  3. there are moments when discipline feels like a betrayal to living and our feelings...I like the gift being put away as a parallel though mysterious

  4. The strength it takes just to do the next thing... without tragedy or comedy. The decision to live without planning or discipline....trusting that works best for the writers soul. The unseen gift put away but not abandoned. The humaness of the piece so very touching and moving.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...