Saturday, May 25, 2024

Gloria ~ May 25


Indignities and Surprises of age


It’s been a time of medical issues. My Osteoarthritis was being handled to some satisfaction in NY, although I do  intend  to switch PT location upon my return from Ohio.

The condition got steadily more debilitating once I was here as I was not getting proper treatment and my exercise routine was…in a word…sloppy.


There’s nothing like trying to get out of a low slung Mustang with a leg that cannot bend too far backward. It’s not a pretty sight, although at times it looks rather hilarious given the gymnastics it takes to get the thing in and out.  


I finally got to see an Orthopedist here in OH who took some rather scary x rays. Left knee still good. Right knee starting to close up…bones very close.  Gave me a non painful shot and a perfectly lovely pill, both helped enormously. 


And I looked up heat and cold compresses and found out I was doing it all wrong. So now I got that straightened out.


That same day, a few hours later…it was Ron’s turn at another Dr. Since that is private information I won’t go into  it in detail, except to say I was up and five thirty this morning doing research because we are in this fight for health together…always. 


Here’s where I finally get to feel my age at almost 80 fgs…


When I get home here’s the medical list:


Foot Dr - did I or did I not fracture my toe when I fell


Eye Dr:  Previously scheduled two extensive eye exams one week apart.


Pharmacy: Switch RX from Ohio to NY


RX: Call Dr for refill 


Dentist: Crown


PT: Switch location and start again


Osteopath: Renew script for PT


Radiology: Scanning something I forget what it is but it has been postponed a lot.


On the good side:


Working on my book with the addition of all the work done on the essays


Workshop for my show: Must get this done!


Coda Festival in Ireland: Must apply to do part of my show


Social Media: Work with Heidi; Work with recommended person for monetisation.


And on the surprising personal side:


Wedding will be next spring. Too much chaos in the world right now.

Cannot have a party in a red state with blueberries on our side and you know what on the other side. This all has to be resolved before a party can ensue in some sort of peace.


Final note:

Went to a farmers market this morning.Had a conversation ( Ron is great at starting conversations with anyone and everyone) with a lady around our age (yeah…old)  telling us how to cook the turnip we bought. She told us her husband was in the car with this oxygen mask. Offered the information that she has been married 50 years…and never thought it would last this long. We got the definite impression that she wished it hadn’t. She asked how long we have been together…I told her five and we hope to at least make it to 20.


At least…



1 comment:

  1. The narrator seeing the humor in her list. And there's another list besides the medical one, the list of great creative things in the middle of being accomplished.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...