Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Gloria ~ May 22




Was feeling…if not quite cocky about my driving…at least somewhat reassured at the triple threat having been overcome:  Parallel  parking; Three point turn; Curvaceous mountain roads.


So I decided to take a trip into town...just to drive around a bit.


Looking to my right at some interesting stores I drifted too close to a vertically parked car and while not exactly hitting it…I did scrape it a bit. 


Got me very nervous and decided to head back up the mountain when I realised I was being closely followed and requested to stop. Thought it was a cop but it was only a guy from the town who saw my weaving car and wanted to know if I was drunk. 


Oh…and he also wanted to know where I got that atrocious vehicle. 


I then set the cause of women’s liberation back a few years as I finally did pull out the girl card and said not drunk but I just learned to drive and all I had was this stamped learner’s permit and the car was all I could get and I was just so nervous about it all and hope there was no damage.  Acting as flustered and girly as I could possibly muster up.


We went back to look at the other car and no I had not done any damage to that car but  my car had a new big black streak on it which sort of blended into all the other dings on that Not Nu Auto.  


So he let me go with some advice regarding how new drivers tend to let  their cars drift over to where they are looking. I thanked him sweetly and went the hell  back up the mountain to the farm.


Once there I called my best friend saying I would probably never see her again as I’m stuck on top of this mountain and I’ll never get down because never mind I now “have license” I obviously do not know how to drive!




Was her reply. 


Her advice was to go get a roll of paper towels..roll the paper out on either side of the front tires...get back into the driver's seat and look where the towels are because part of the problem was that I learned to drive in a tiny little car and this thing was way bigger.


I was then to drive down the mountain and then up again and get my frayed nerve back.


So I did all that! 


Driving very slowly down I suddenly noticed something to my left…and no I did not drift…just looked…


And stopped the car!


Because crossing the road right in front of me was a big  Papa Turkey…and following Papa…a whole flock of Baby Turkeys…and then Mama Turkey bringing up the rear!!


Happy Thanksgiving!


After that…continued driving down…came back…confidence somewhat restored.


Ready for the next adventure.


Coming up…final chapter…my father is informed.



1 comment:

  1. This is a great driving series. I like "acting as flustered and girly as I could possibly muster up." And I am trying to picture the rolled paper towels. I love that the narrator tried such a weird suggestion.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...