Thursday, May 16, 2024

Gary ~ May 16


Time Is On My Side, Yes It Is.


It's 4:25am here in Boulder CO, whereas it's already 6:25am in New York, a big two hour time difference that I was completely oblivious to yesterday when I agonized (a little bit) whether or not to get on last night's Almost Half Way Zoom call.


My iPhone14 indicated that it was 6:00pm and that's all I knew, not taking the time to consider the fact that my iPhone automatically adjusted itself as we passed through the Central time zone and into the Mountain time zone on the flight to Denver International Airport (DEN), where I rented a standard size SUV and picked up a few of my friends who also flew into DEN around the same time, and headed straight for our little spiritual conclave here at the Colorado Chautauqua in Boulder CO.


I just arrived at 6pm sharp and told the folks who were already at the Dining Hall that I couldn't stay long because I had to get back to my room at the Lodge in order to get on a Zoom call for my 30 Day writing marathon that I was currently enrolled in.


"No way!" said Patti, our leader, when I told her I had to "eat it and beat it" and get back to my room. "You're staying right here. People are still arriving and we haven't even ordered our food yet."


Yeah, the Dining Hall is an actual restaurant and not the snack bar I had pictured in my mind.


"Just sit down," said Tancha who was sitting next to Patti and is Patti's best buddy, or so it seems, and I'm really starting to think that maybe they are lovers, even though they are both married to men, although, let's face it, what difference that make anyway?  Come on, let's get real here, OK?


Being married doesn't mean you can't have a same-sex lover on the side, if you want to, does it? I never subscribed to that whole monogamy idea, and though I would not describe myself as polyamorous, as Patti and her two boys (grown up men actually) do, I certainly have no hang ups when it comes to sex, and really don't think it's a big deal one way or another, whether straight, gay, bi or whatever.  Much ado about nothing if you ask me.


"Jesus Christ," Amy said, "You just got here and now you're leaving already? Just sit down."


I sat down and tried emailing Marta to say that I couldn't make it, but since my iPhone14 is brand new (I bought it just for this occasion, b/c the iPhone10 that I used only sparingly I shared with my wife Anne, and I didn't want to go off and leave her without a cell phone), and I didn't know how to use it all that well, so I could not manage to navigate to my Hotmail account, I was in a quandary as to how to email Marta.


Patti said, "Hand to me," and when I did she fiddled with it for all of 10 seconds before handing it back to me with my Hotmail accout all set to be accessed.  Is there any wonder why I love Patti?  Not only that, but later on when I told her I spent an hour driving around aimlessly in my effort to get back to the terminal to pick up the other guys and missed a few turns and wound up heading to Denver on I70, she installed a navagation app on my phone and it sits prominently right on the first screen you see when I open my phone.


So the whole point of what I am trying to get at is that when I finally emailed Marta to say that I wasn't going to make it to the meeting, it was already about 8:55 in New York and I'm sure the Zoom meeting was long over by then.


Well I see I'm out of words, in a sense, without even touching on my main theme of time being an illusion, and how it can either work for you or against you, depending on how you view it, if you view it all, since there are those who say that there is no thing as time, so there is nothing to view.


Then again, there are those who subscribe to the point of view that "Time is a bitch and then you die."


Whether time is a bitch, or an illusion, or non existent is a matter for each individual to decide.


I've decided that whether it's a bitch or an illusion or merely an empty concept without any inherent reality, I still like it.  And it likes me.  And is on my side.  Yes it is.




  1. There are definitely people that were put on this planet expressly for the purpose of saving us from technology. Yay for Patti! Time is on your side for a good have one!

  2. I like the observations about sex and married couples.

  3. I am in the mind of the narrator ~ it's a rollicking ride, but feels very real.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...