Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Gary ~ May 1


It Has To Be Saran Wrap!


It has to be Saran Wrap!  There's just no other way.


Sounds pretty simple, but looks are often deceiving.  I'm sure we've all been down that road.


Just like we've all been down the road of breaking New Year's resolutions and countless other resolutions as well.  Yes we're gonna cut down on drinking, cut down on coffee, cut down on sugar, cut down on dating sites, cut down on joiningg cults, cut down on the time we spend on Facebook, cut down on doomscrolling, but it never seems to work out the way we intended, except maybe for the first day or two.


I gave up making New Year's resolutions roughly 55 years ago but I'm still making promises to people that there's just no way of keeping, not even for a day or two.  Like I promised (just last night) I was going to use these 30 days NOT to write about cults, for iinstance.  I said I was done with that, just like I've said I was done with a lot of things, that apparently I'm still not done with, not even by a long shot.


So what's topic of my very first twirl in the 30 day May Mazurka writing dance?  Don't ask me, I don't want to talk about it.


And the other thing I promised was to stick within, or reasonably close to, the 500 word (suggested) limit to these daily flourishes, or mind blossoms, or soul flowers that will adorn my May Mazurka garden.


Well I'm already at the halfway mark and I haven't  mentioned Saran Wrap even once!  What hope is there for me?


Look, I'm going to do the best I can and let the cards fall where they may.  It is May after all, so let the cards fall.  As dad used to say when he came home from a poker game after having blown all of mom's grocery money, "Well, nobody died."  That was the good news.


Well, nobody's gonna die if I continue to write about cults and if I happen to go over 500 words for the next 30 days. I'm not going to go over 650 words, that I promise! OK, make that 700.


Enough with the preamble already!  Let's get to the very heart of the matter, which begins with a big, ripe, bright red totally gorgeous tomato that I bought at Sunfrost Farms the other day in Woodstock.


As soon as I picked it up in my hand and felt its solid, yet juicy tomatoness, I thought to myself, "Oh what BLTs I can make with this beauty."  Was it a Jersey Beefsteak tomato?  I don't care.


Which I did, just two days ago, in fact, which triggered, or lead to,  the Great Saran Wrap Fiasco of yesterday which I am STILL pissed off about for several reasons.  In fact, I never had quite the disastrous encounter with Saran Wrap as I had yesterday and I am so glad and grateful that I can take the time to PAUSE, relax, step back, and PROCESS the turmoil and upset and sheer TORTURE I experienced yesterday with the most unpleasant encounter with a package? box? container? (I don't know what you call the thing Saran Wrap comes in) of Saran Wrap that I have EVER had in my entire life, and I'm no longer young. I'm 80 years old.


Oh,  and what's this got to do with cults and spiritual stuff? I know that's what you're probably thinking by now.


Well, you'll see.  I'm gonna get to that, or at least TRY to get to that in It HasTo Be Saran Wrap! Part 2 tomorrow.


Or maybe in It Has To Be Saran Wrap! Part 3 on Friday.


But we'll get there eventually,  I promise.




  1. And we're off to the races! What a natural flowing voice! Happy to hear the whisper of possibility re cults because I am not over my addiction to your story. Though anything seems to work well in your hands, though maybe not tomatoes.

  2. What a ride already. Yes, that damn saran wrap - I am imagining the struggle, the uncontrollable mind-of -its-own sticky clinging stuff. Wrestling to get in on - I assume - that juicy tomato. And in comes the spiritual stuff - step back and pause. Where will this all go??

  3. You had me at Saran Wrap and of course leave us dangling over the edge of anticipation...we will happily take this ride with you...!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...