Thursday, May 23, 2024

Christina ~ May 23


A bowl of Grape-Nuts with milk and sugar (the sugar more for its texture than for its sweetness), a mandarin orange, and a cup of coffee (light no sugar), finally out of my bed and back sitting on my chair in the living room, my feet propped up on a little round IKEA table, my laptop on my lap, reading the New York Times, sending texts and emails back and forth to my sister Diana about a trip we’re planning, to sail off the coast of Croatia in a small boat, only 19 cabins, a trip organized by my friend Elliot for him and his partner and some of their Fire Island friends, doing my daily crossword puzzle, then Wordle, and then that new and sometimes very difficult game, Connections. The breakfast is unexpectedly delicious, the cereal crunchy and soft at the same time, the coffee so wonderful after a week of only tea, and the mandarin orange, cold from the refrigerator is like a gift from god.


  1. Delicious essay…delightful morning!

  2. Love the mood, recuperating, even ordinary cereal satisfying, the mandarin a gift from god!

  3. This captures so well the the bliss of being able to return to food after an illness.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...