Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tirza ~ May 14


Everything has turned green, very green.  Just a few days ago, the maples still had a reddish cast, but now everything is dressed in varying shades of green.  The mountain only recently looked brown, like a 5 oclock shadow, the style so favored lately by men of fashion (or did they finally shave)?  Now the mountain looks like a shaggy Ed Koren cartoon monster, but in green.  It looks alive, bristling with energy and the breeze.

My favorite color, for a reason.  

Yes of course the pinks and whites and purples of the blossoms are pretty, but note that their backdrop is green.

Why am I drawn to writing about color today, besides being a very color-centric person, I don’t know.  It’s not unusual for me to ponder color.  For someone who doesn’t paint, I am obsessed with it. In nature, on walls, in fabric, in my third eye.  

The greens today dish up happiness.  Gaiety even.

And it’s totally free.  Not many things in life are this way.  If you care to notice, it’s offered:  here you go! Take in this life elixir in one big gulp, or in as many as you can handle before you distract yourself with all the made-up details of a grown-up life.

And the details are many.  All as necessary and unnecessary as we want to make them. Precious little as absolute as this offering of pure delight.



  1. An offering of pure delight...that's just what this piece is. The lush green of life arising thorough the barren winter...welcome as a newborn and as full of possibilities.

  2. The green backdrop to everything, just there dishing up happiness, if we care to notice among the made up details of grown up life! Delicious and life affirming!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...