Thursday, May 16, 2024

Joe ~ May 16


So Tired


Since you last saw me in Zoom mode, I haven’t slept a wink. Well that’s not completely true. I took my paintings into Pennsylvania and dropped them off at the gallery. The gallery director was lovely and was very helpful. There was an exhibit showing and I went in to check it out. It was a group of African woman who founded a group for the art of colored glass bead artwork. The work was intricate and colorful. Millions of these tiny glass beads fashioned to mosaic together and form landscapes, portraits and cows. They like cows and a good deal of the people who live there are farmers. At the exhibit there was a video explaining how this type of artwork got started and developed. The gallery was empty, except for me and the guy at the front desk. So, I took a chair and started watching the video. Somewhere between the blue beads and the red ones I was out….completely unconscious…..I haven’t any idea how long I was asleep. The Guy at the front desk could not see me from his vantage point. He surely thought that I must have been enthralled with the displayed material. I assured him on my way out that it was just wonderful and I”m glad that this university would bring such a high art to the people of northeastern PA.

I met my brother….chicken wings and a couple of Yuenglings …. And I’m falling asleep at the bar…I’ll go to Barnes and Noble and get one of those high octane coffees….thtat will wake me up….I pull into the parking lot and cannot get my butt out of my brother’s van. I borrowed it because my three part paintings were too big to fit in my Subaru. So, I am unable to write  at the bookstore and feel like an anesthesiologist has turned on the gas and I’m soon to be in total LA LA land. What to do? I’ll go stay at the Holiday Inn….It’s close and I can write in my underwear while propping myself up with three pillows… That won’t work….I have already misspelled or mistyped about every other word….and I’m really struggling to put enough words down to fulfill my writing Mazurka have too’s. So the room is spinning and I’m having trouble focusing and I’m really thirsty and it cost eighty eight dollars to fill the tank of my son’s van. I just want to sleep….show me your ID, a credit card for all those pay for view movies that I’ll sleep through for sure. So I. Have to find the vending machines because I’m still thirsty ….being tired sure makes me thirsty. My eyes are getting heavy I’m just going to write one more……………..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



  1. Had to laugh all through this reading your so well meaning struggles to stay AWAKE and falling asleep all over the place. Congratulations on finishing your project and all that hard work.Now sleep the sleep of the just and righteous!

  2. Hysterical, well would be if it wasn't true. Took us right along there with you...ZZZZZZZZ

  3. Absolutely recreated the sense of exhaustion ~ loved the scene between the red beads and the blue ones....! :)

  4. Congrats! Completion, and the exhaustion you don't dare feel until it's over. So well put - watching the gallery video, not able to make it out of the car to B&N, or the vending machine in the motel. Funny how that is, after you pushed through to complete the mission. well done! and the best part, giving in...zzz


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...