Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Gloria ~ May 21


Taking a brief pause from my epic Driving Series as my knee is acting up and it’s hard to focus.

Fine for a  little while in the  morning but it gradually gets worse and even at its best I can bend the knee only a small fraction of what I could do after three weeks of PT in NY.


Finally gave in and found an Orthopaedist in Ohio and made an appointment for eight AM Friday which of course means Ron has to drive me as he would not even entertain the notion of an Uber or a Lyft and he would not want me to go alone anyway.


We have in the past driven friends of his to the airport at five AM and I always go with him. 




Because I don’t like rattling around in this big house by  myself…because our time together when I’m here is always too short…because in all reality our time together is by its nature going to be too short.  


Let’s face it…we are not going to be on FB for our 50th or 40th or even 30th anniversary.


Be happy if we make it to 20.


Meanwhile today I attempted to change the sheets on a Queen size bed with first an extra large twin fitted sheet and when that didn’t work a full size. My prior information that the sheets would be correct sizes was mistaken. Took a while struggling with both to really get it that these were never going to fit.  


Meanwhile I had to run to the bathroom and heard an ominous plop and realised my phone had taken an unauthorised dive out my back pocket into Lake Toilet. 


Reached around to grab and rinse. So far no dire repercussions.


Earlier today I wanted to wash off the glass table on the patio...little realising how much gunk could build up over a winter’s time.  Paper towels and sponges and windex and dish soap and I had a large wet mess and was starting to dismay when Ron came out...saw what I was doing...and got the hose.


Gotta admit I do love playing with that hose.


You really don’t get to do that very much in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC.


Going to take a nap. Don't get to do that very much either.




  1. Another enjoyable piece, might be funny if it wasn't for that damn knee!

    1. Gotta laugh....can't cry all the time!

  2. All the contrasts between life in Ohio and life in NYC ~ and throughout, the sense of time having a limit.

  3. It begins with the writer promising that not much is or would be happening, and then showers us with the little daily details, delights that could have been complaints were it not for how they were told


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...