Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gloria ~ May 15


Time for some serious whining and complaining…


Am dealing with a lot of pain behind my arthritic knee and may need to have it looked at. 


This started a few months ago in front of the knee and I went to an orthopaedist with Ron while he was visiting in NY.  Dr gave me a shot (poor Ron had to squeeze his eyes shut…think guys are way more squeamish about this stuff than we girls) and at that time was told to go get some PT and do the exercises.  Which I did and the pain went wherever pain goes while it's in hiding...waiting...


Was told ten years ago that I may in time have to have a knee replacement but apparently whatever was supposed to happen did not happen so all I had to do was a bit of exercise. 


And that’s good because I am absolutely against any kind of removal surgery and am determined to leave with all the body parts I came with. 


However in April it came back in a different spot…snuck around and snuggled into the back of my  knee. By then my nice orthopaedist had retired and I do not at all like this new one. Don’t like his abrupt and condescending attitude.  On top of that he decided to give me a different shot that was much more painful and did no good at all. 


Decided then that if I need to go back I will find someone else…after having been molested by a pedophile Dr when I was ten let’s say I am a bit gun-shy when it comes to Drs and especially the ones I do not like. It’s also why I’m against surgery because some of what was perpetrated was done in the hospital…some things you just don’t get over so it’s really ok to just want to employ and/or implement avoidance tactics.  


Anyway…second round of PT was working out really well…although I still suck at doing home exercise but I did try harder this time…and there was definite improvement while I was still at home.


But am now in Ohio and I really did slack off and the condition has definitely regressed. Have a whole array of various ice packs and a heating pad so I’m alternately freezing and heating this little sucker in between trying to exercise as best I can. Blew up the big exercise ball I ordered and Ron heroically put the stationery thingy on my  bike.  


Called my insurance and found out it is both national and international…so may look for an orthopaedist here and a place for PT as well. 


Just to make sure I still have a leg to stand on!   





  1. "A leg to stand on." Yes, suddenly this piece is about more than the knee. And also the underlying gross injurious doctor at age 10. About that too. Want to cheer her on to find just the safest, kindest, most skillful dr.

  2. So many issues around health come up in this piece ~ for instance, how very hard it is to do those exercises!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...