Saturday, May 4, 2024

Gary ~ May 4


It Has To Be Saran Wrap! Part III


If you wanted to pay extra you were entitled to be a part of  the monthly Special Transmission Group where we, with Jeffery's help of course, download from the very Source of everything, which Jeffery refers to as Galactic Center, sparkling, potent, vibrant, enlivening, invigorating, empowering and totally enlightening and transforming energy which Jeffery calls the Mother Force.


Who wouldn't want to pay extra for that?  Not anybody I would want to hang out with for more than 5 minutes max, that's for sure, because these are the just the type of seekers that one of my prior cult leaders would refer to as "worthless people."


I never heard those actual words come out of Jeffery's mouth, but there is no mistaking his distain for those decided, for one reason or another, not to take advantage of Jeffery's "more than generous offer" and who opted out of the Special Transmission Group. Although he his best to mask his annoyance with those who didn't think they needed this extra boost of divine energy every month or so, and were apparently content with the amount of divine energy they were already receiving from Jeffery via his bi-weekly Inner Circle meet up on Zoom, he was clearly not happy with the unfortunate choice some of his followers had made.


Of course the Inner Circle meet ups weren't free either, but I guess those people either didn't have any extra money to throw around or perhaps they were simply skeptical about the ability of Saran Wrap to provide the necessary protection against the Hostile Forces that sought to attack those on the receiving end of the all-powerful, all-enlightening, all-transforming Mother Force as streamed  down from Source, or Galactic Center, and entered our bodies via the navel chakra, or in some cases via a chakra that was further below. 


You may be wondering who Jeffery is and what this Special Transmission is all about and perhaps you have a question or two about the lower chakras and what role they play in our transformation and enlightenment.  Please feel free to ask anything.  We are not one of those secretive cults and we pride ourselves in being perfectly open about what we are up to and just how much our programs cost and all the great things that will start appearing in your lives once you come aboard what some cynics, both in and out of the cult, refer to as Jeffery's Gravy Train.


I am not here to defend Jeffery, and in fact I too, question some of Jeffery's motives from time to time, and in fact I am one of the people who happen to draw the line where what I call "the Saran WRAP" is concerned.


But since Jeffery was a businessman and a New Age entrepener before he became a cult leader, I am not all that surpised that he would bring with him many of the sales and marketing skills he learned in business and in his New Age......hucksterism is not quite the word I am looking for here, but frankly it's the only one that comes to mind in this ever-present NOW moment.


Some people have even referred to Jeffery as a spiritual used-car salesman, always making sure to use air quotes when mouthing the word "spiritual."


The fact that he wears hair plugs and is known to have spent many thousands of dollars on them, seems somehow to not to add anything to his either his cult leader charisma or his merely human charm.


Frankly, I think they look lousy, and No, I would not want to buy a used car from this guy in a million years.


I see we've run out of time here so I'm going to have to Saran Wrap this thing up tomorrow.


Or maybe the next day, let's see how it goes.




1 comment:

  1. I love this weird perspective -- dishing out the dirt on the cult you're supposedly in! Now I'm in a hall of mirrors. Loved it!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...