Friday, May 10, 2024

Gary ~ May 10


Eliza's An Interesting Character


Eliza's an interesting character and the fact that I'll be spending about 4 hours with her at the Denver International Airport  next Weds. May 15 should prove to be highly entertaining and maybe even a bit challenging, depending on how things go.


She's 6' 2" and very formidable and doesn't take shit from anybody, including me, as was made perfectly evident about 2 weeks ago when we had a major duke-out via Signal, which is the phone app we use to communicate with our iAwake and Chautauqua groups which consist of about 30 people ot so who are involved in our POK (mostly) online spiritual community. 


I don't want to go into the iAwake thing, which basically involves the re-wiring of the brain through listening to various binaural beats-type of programs via your smartphone or your computer while wearing a headset.  All I can say is that I highly recommend it.  That is, if you are interested in re-wiring your brain, which happens to be something I love to do.  The more re-wiring the better, as far as I'm concerned.


The Colorado Chautauqua, besides being an historic lanmark, provides among other things, short-term lodging and a conference center for small groups (30 people max).


POK, which stands for Perfectly OK, is a loose conferation of people, about 1600, who have either taken Jeffery Martin's Finders Course, or some other course given by Jeffery, and there are many, or who have at least SOME connection with Jeffery and the Finders Course, through either a spouse, a loved one, or merely a next door neighbor.  We claim to have a membership of 1600, but I would say  that if we have as many as 300 active members, then we are doing pretty good.


OK, back to Eliza.  I came to know her  through the various online meet ups that are available to POK members (about 70 per week covering different topics and concerns), that she and I have gravitated to and I probably see her at about 3 of these meet ups per week.


When she announced during one of these sessions that she was traing to be an MDMA therapist and MDMA journey guide and was looking for guinea pigs to practice her skills on, I immediately jumped all over it.  I had taken MDMA (aka, Ecstacy or Molly) only once before, when I was living in Canada, in 2009 or so, and I can never forget the night I spent tripping on MDMA with my best Canadian pal Todd, which served to really make me want to do it again, now that it was being offered in a more therapeutic context, rather than the unstructured, "wild and crazy" free-form night we spent hitting the bars and wandering the streets of Lindsay Ontario, just being awed and amazed by the great wonder than life, for us, had suddenly become.


So I signed up with Eliza to go on a 6 hour long guided MDMA "healing journey" as she described it, via Zoom, and what a trip it was!  I later, at her request, wrote a testimonial for her website describing my MDMA guided journey with Eliza as being a "life-changing event." It was certainly that, and more.


Eliza offered follow-up counseling and "integration" sessions as part of the whole package and that's where I really got to know Eliza pretty intimately, or at least that's the way it felt at the time.


I see our time is up.  Maybe I'll do Eliza Part II tomorrow, although honestly, until I sit down at my computer and start typing, I never have a clue as to exactly what will be coming out of my electronic mouth.  And I'm Perfectly OK if Truman Capote should happen to say, from his perch on high (or down below), regarding my daily output, "That's not writing, that's typing."


He may have hurt Jack Kerouac with that cutting remark, but he certainly can't hurt me.  Not now. Not after my MDMA "healing journey" with Eliza.



  1. Such a good ending to today's ramble! and very curious what happens when you finally meet the magical Eliza in person, you create the set up - highly entertaining and/or challenging and formidable

  2. I am so enjoying the easy flow of these pieces ~ very interesting, this Eliza and the narrator excited to try the trip she offers.


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...