Friday, May 3, 2024

Gary ~ May 3


It Has To Be Saran Wrap! Part II


I guess it comes as no surprise, at least not to people who know a little bit about my background, that I have joined another cult.  This is probably my fourth or fifth cult since leaving my first cult, after spending 10 years in it, in 1980.


I don't need to list them all, but some of them are familiar to you I'm sure.  Like est, the second cult I joined, which was in 1982.  We were called estholes in those days, and I stuck with est for about 3 years until I got tired of being an esthole and lit out for the territory once again.  There have been at least 3 more territories since then, each one being a prime example of Leo Tolstoy's famous dictum:


"All happy cults are alike; each unhappy cult is unhappy in its own way."



My current cult, though less known, and not quite as flamboyant  as some of the other cults I have joined, neverthess shares the same main goals of all the cults I have joined, which are:


1. Transform ourselves by  transforming  the world;

2. Bring fame, money, and other benefits to the cult leader in the process.  


Goals #3. and #4. are not really that important and rarely get mentioned.


If I were really cynical I would have given goal #2 top billing, with goal #1 placing a distant second, but old age has mellowed me and I find that I am just not that cynical anymore. Or maybe it's because I am really spiritually advanced, who knows?


Not that cynical anymore, except when it comes to what I call "The Saran WRAP", as in literally.


Every cult, no matter if they fall into the category of happy cults, or unhappy cults, has at least one particular ceremony or ritual or spiritul practice that makes it unique and causes it, hopefully, to stand head and shoulders above the other cults, which are always regarded as being inferior cults with an inferior cult leaders who in no way measure up to the Himalyan heights attained by the current  cult leader, who is more often than not, deemed to be the greatest cult leader of all time, and who is seen as being no less than the Second Coming of Christ.


Which brings us to the Special Transmission!  Never before in the history of cults and cultists has there ever been a  transmission of Power, Wisdom, Love, Cosmic Energy, and several other things to boot, like  this one, for this one is unique to our cult, and our cult alone,  and may never be available again on Earth for anoteher 400,000 years at least.  That is, assuming the Earth lasts another 400,000 years, and according to the Las Vegas bookies the odds against that happening are currently about 15-1.


OK, fair enough, you say, but just where does Saran Wrap fit into this Great Scheme of Things?


That this is a Great Scheme, I have little doubt.


As to just where Saran Wrap fits into it, that will be made transparent tomorrow.


Or the day after, it's just not clear.




  1. Laughing, so good!
    so enjoying the cult and the SARAN WRAP inter-wrapping
    AND please give me more saran wrap (thinking of the skit - give me more cowbell!)

  2. This really comes across as the words and understandings of a cult expert ~ super!


Lila ~ May 31

  I have another friend of mine who is involved with the deaf world.  My friend T.   I first met T when I started nursing school at DCC.  I ...